Categories New Business Ideas

So, you think you have the next big idea?

So does everyone else. The question is, what sets yours apart -- and what problems does it really solve? Learn how to weed out the bad ideas from the good, test your business concept until you get it (mostly) right, launch your minimum viable product (MVP), solicit potential customer feedback AND analyze your market -- and your competition -- before you even start brainstorming business names.

11 of the Easiest Online Businesses to Start Right Now

Starting your own company can be costly. That’s why we asked 11 members of the Young Entrepreneur Council to weigh in on some of the easiest, cheapest online businesses to build from the ground up.

5 Tips for Succeeding in an Emerging Industry

Are you starting up in an industry that’s not clearly defined yet? The CEO of The1stMovement, Ming Chen, shares 5 key steps to succeed.

Can You Really Make Money Doing What You Love? 5 Lessons

Matt Wilson started Under30CEO while digging ditches for $15/hour. Was it easy? No. But it was worth it.

3 Ways to Turn a Summer Gig Into Long-Term Work

Don’t want to loose the income you’re making during the summer when you return back to school? Follow professional AJ Kumar’s advice about how to turn summer work into a small business.