
Manick Bhan

Manick Bhan, a former banker at Goldman Sachs, is the CEO and CTO at Rukkus.

Stories by Manick Bhan:

4 Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy

Make sure your customers always want to come back to you.

It’s Time to Make a Change in the Way You Track Progress

If you want to optimize your results, learn what to let go of and what to really crack down on.

The Customer Channels You Should Be Taking Advantage Of

Looking for new marketing strategies? Your customers are often willing to give you the answers.

3 Ways to Keep Your Best Talent for the Long Haul

If you’re building an all-star team, here’s what to do instead of recruiting only when you have an open position.

How Young Companies Can Take Advantage of Co-Working Office Spaces

Co-working spaces give startups and new entrepreneurs room to grow.

How to Effectively Communicate With Everyone on Your Team

To be a successful leader, it’s important to know when to speak up and when to listen.