9 Simple Ways You Can Use Personalization to Really Improve Conversion

Nothing helps sell faster than relatability.

Question: What is one simple way to personalize landing pages, emails, etc. in a way that really helps improve conversion?

Highlight Benefits Over Features

"One of the most important ways to improve conversions on landing pages and emails is to highlight the value that a potential customer will get from the product or service instead of telling them how good your product/service is. Highlighting benefits over features is key for success in marketing and will definitely result in better conversion rates."

Address Your Customer

"How do they describe their perfect self? We ran a launch competition and asked 1,602 people, "What do you struggle with most?" Before I wrote our sales page and blog posts, I re-read those responses and then used the exact copy that they used. When you know your customer, you can write to your customer. Address their struggles and help them become their perfect selves."

Add Employee Photos to the Pages

"I like to put photos of the people that will be taking their calls. This is a great way for people to know and see who they will be talking too. This also gives your website a very personal touch. It's helped us improve our ROI significantly."

Treat Every User Interaction as a Transaction

"Use the give and take principles throughout your business. Treat every webpage, landing page, or email as a transaction. If you’re providing something of value to your customers, then you should require they give something of value back. If you’ve published an e-book with information your customers want, require they leave their email address or sign up for an account with you before getting it."

Identify User Behavior

"What someone does when on your site or engaging with your emails is the strongest display of their intent. Use this behavior to decide what their next integration with your brand should be. Marketing automation software will enable you to create a one-to-one relationship between the user experience and the user behavior."

Incorporate Social Proof

"I tend to react more towards content that highlights testimonials from customers or organizations that use the product or service. Complimenting that with visual images showcasing the interactions (like having Miss DC dining at your restaurant)  is also important. By leveraging social proof into your message, you establish confidence and trust, which helps with conversion."

Create Relevant Content Based on Location

"This is especially important at EVENTup because our service is so location-based. Someone in Chicago for the most part is not going to be interested in an event space in San Francisco and vice versa. Whether you are sending emails or personalizing landing pages, if you are showing the consumer something relevant to them your conversions are going to be so much stronger."

Incorporate Recently Viewed Items

"If you are an e-commerce business, the simplest way to increase conversions is to incorporate behavioral marketing into your landing pages. For instance, including a "recently viewed" and a "customers who bought this item also bought these items" is a surefire way to drive conversion. For emails, use the name of the recipient in the title and watch open rates increase dramatically."


9 Simple Ways You Can Use Personalization to Really Improve Conversion

Nothing helps sell faster than relatability.

Question: What is one simple way to personalize landing pages, emails, etc. in a way that really helps improve conversion?

Highlight Benefits Over Features

"One of the most important ways to improve conversions on landing pages and emails is to highlight the value that a potential customer will get from the product or service instead of telling them how good your product/service is. Highlighting benefits over features is key for success in marketing and will definitely result in better conversion rates."

Address Your Customer

"How do they describe their perfect self? We ran a launch competition and asked 1,602 people, "What do you struggle with most?" Before I wrote our sales page and blog posts, I re-read those responses and then used the exact copy that they used. When you know your customer, you can write to your customer. Address their struggles and help them become their perfect selves."

Add Employee Photos to the Pages

"I like to put photos of the people that will be taking their calls. This is a great way for people to know and see who they will be talking too. This also gives your website a very personal touch. It's helped us improve our ROI significantly."

Treat Every User Interaction as a Transaction

"Use the give and take principles throughout your business. Treat every webpage, landing page, or email as a transaction. If you’re providing something of value to your customers, then you should require they give something of value back. If you’ve published an e-book with information your customers want, require they leave their email address or sign up for an account with you before getting it."

Identify User Behavior

"What someone does when on your site or engaging with your emails is the strongest display of their intent. Use this behavior to decide what their next integration with your brand should be. Marketing automation software will enable you to create a one-to-one relationship between the user experience and the user behavior."

Incorporate Social Proof

"I tend to react more towards content that highlights testimonials from customers or organizations that use the product or service. Complimenting that with visual images showcasing the interactions (like having Miss DC dining at your restaurant)  is also important. By leveraging social proof into your message, you establish confidence and trust, which helps with conversion."

Create Relevant Content Based on Location

"This is especially important at EVENTup because our service is so location-based. Someone in Chicago for the most part is not going to be interested in an event space in San Francisco and vice versa. Whether you are sending emails or personalizing landing pages, if you are showing the consumer something relevant to them your conversions are going to be so much stronger."

Incorporate Recently Viewed Items

"If you are an e-commerce business, the simplest way to increase conversions is to incorporate behavioral marketing into your landing pages. For instance, including a "recently viewed" and a "customers who bought this item also bought these items" is a surefire way to drive conversion. For emails, use the name of the recipient in the title and watch open rates increase dramatically."

See Also: The Key to Better Connecting With Your Customers

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