6 Tips For Handling a Negative Company Review

Don’t let one review ruin your whole day, or your image.

Question: How should I handle a bad review of my company?

Respond and Listen

"The worst thing you can do with a bad review is let it hang out on the Internet with no response. Ask the customer what went wrong and really listen to what they are saying. Do what you can to remedy the situation. Then ask yourself if there is any validity to the complaint and put a plan in place to fix the gap."

Take It to Heart

"A bad review is your best source of information. For every one bad review there are many others that think the same but don't take the time to say anything. Address the review so that others see you are listening and tell the customer you are working hard to improve things. Then, do what you can to make changes so that future reviews are positive."

Reach Out to Customers for Good Reviews

"After you've carefully read through the review, responded and learned from it, make sure that you seek out good reviews. Email specific customers who you know are happy with your business and ask them to write a positive review. The worst thing that you can do is let that one bad review stand alone. Make sure you surround it with lots of good reviews."

Be Proactive

"Mistakes happen. If it's a public negative review, respond immediately and try to take the conversation offline. Most importantly, learn from the errors and look to improve processes. Try a proactive approach. Contact all clients/customers to learn their gripes before they go public. This gives your team enough time to fix what's broken."


6 Tips For Handling a Negative Company Review

Don’t let one review ruin your whole day, or your image.

Question: How should I handle a bad review of my company?

Respond and Listen

"The worst thing you can do with a bad review is let it hang out on the Internet with no response. Ask the customer what went wrong and really listen to what they are saying. Do what you can to remedy the situation. Then ask yourself if there is any validity to the complaint and put a plan in place to fix the gap."

Take It to Heart

"A bad review is your best source of information. For every one bad review there are many others that think the same but don't take the time to say anything. Address the review so that others see you are listening and tell the customer you are working hard to improve things. Then, do what you can to make changes so that future reviews are positive."

Reach Out to Customers for Good Reviews

"After you've carefully read through the review, responded and learned from it, make sure that you seek out good reviews. Email specific customers who you know are happy with your business and ask them to write a positive review. The worst thing that you can do is let that one bad review stand alone. Make sure you surround it with lots of good reviews."

Be Proactive

"Mistakes happen. If it's a public negative review, respond immediately and try to take the conversation offline. Most importantly, learn from the errors and look to improve processes. Try a proactive approach. Contact all clients/customers to learn their gripes before they go public. This gives your team enough time to fix what's broken."

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