4 Valuable Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Their Employees

Employees should be allowed – and even encouraged – to let their bosses know when they disagree with an opinion.

Question: What is the most valuable work lesson you've ever been taught by an employee?

My Employees Are Smarter Than Me – and Should Be

"My employees have taught me that they are smarter than I am in what we've hired them to do – and that it should be that way. In turn, this has helped me make better hiring decisions by identifying if a candidate will be able to teach me something new and bring value to the company. It has also helped me become aware that I might not be opening up opportunities for an employee to truly spread their wings."

Trust and Delegation Are Important

"I am a natural at trusting but when delegating, sometimes it is hard to allow another to do things their way. I have learned to trust the abilities of my team and know that though it might not be done my way, there is a multitude of ways to do it things well."

Disagreements Are Never a Bad Thing

"An employee should never be afraid to disagree with their boss. Time and again, I’ve found myself impressed by the insights offered by my staff; insights which were they afraid to voice dissenting opinions, I’d never have heard. Disagreements can be a healthy thing and can actually help your business grow."

Different Perspectives Are Inspirational

"When working in the business field, I am always looking to find new ways to complete tasks. I have realized that employees are the best sources of inspirations because they don't think like you, yet they have to deal with the same problems."


4 Valuable Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Their Employees

Employees should be allowed – and even encouraged – to let their bosses know when they disagree with an opinion.

Question: What is the most valuable work lesson you've ever been taught by an employee?

My Employees Are Smarter Than Me – and Should Be

"My employees have taught me that they are smarter than I am in what we've hired them to do – and that it should be that way. In turn, this has helped me make better hiring decisions by identifying if a candidate will be able to teach me something new and bring value to the company. It has also helped me become aware that I might not be opening up opportunities for an employee to truly spread their wings."

Trust and Delegation Are Important

"I am a natural at trusting but when delegating, sometimes it is hard to allow another to do things their way. I have learned to trust the abilities of my team and know that though it might not be done my way, there is a multitude of ways to do it things well."

Disagreements Are Never a Bad Thing

"An employee should never be afraid to disagree with their boss. Time and again, I’ve found myself impressed by the insights offered by my staff; insights which were they afraid to voice dissenting opinions, I’d never have heard. Disagreements can be a healthy thing and can actually help your business grow."

Different Perspectives Are Inspirational

"When working in the business field, I am always looking to find new ways to complete tasks. I have realized that employees are the best sources of inspirations because they don't think like you, yet they have to deal with the same problems."

See Also: Lessons Learned from the Early Years of Parenthood and Entrepreneurship

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