Question: What is one part of starting up that was easier than you anticipated?
Finding a Support Network
"A support network of other entrepreneurs will make any journey a lot more enjoyable -- and a lot easier, too! By joining key networking groups, like YEC, and moving into a co-working space, building a support group of like-minded entrepreneurs after starting ZinePak was easier than I would have imagined. I never expected to make so many close friends so quickly!"
Writing a Business Plan
"...because it turned out to be completely unnecessary. You need a general plan of what you're accomplishing, but you'll find that it changes incredibly quickly and that all of your assumptions were completely wrong. The 30- to 50-page business plans you might have done for a class in undergrad won't be very helpful and can even distract from doing real work. "
Attracting Attention and Exposure
"The amount of media attention and the speed in which we received it was easier than anticipated. Our Indiegogo campaign certainly helped us reach a large audience quickly and our quick success attracted media and more exposure. "
Pitching to Investors
"Getting in a room to pitch your idea is incredibly easy if you're killing it in your operations/development. Really -- pitching is just telling the story. If you're weaving an incredible story to begin with, pitching becomes infinitely easier. Investors notice this."
"Raising money was something that I was SO worried about, but when it came down to it, it was easy. Having a great product with an amazing team is key in this process. Traction is a must."
Finding the Right Idea
"Ideas are cheap and not hard to come by, but it's difficult for inexperienced entrepreneurs to get their minds around that notion. I remember with my first startup how special I thought we were for finding a problem and building a solution for it. Well, needless to say, now I know better. Getting traction, execution and customer validation are actually the differentiators that matter to me now."